If you’d like to convert Litecoins to BTC or vice versa, you should know that CEX.IO has different fees for makers and takers. Makers are those who place orders that stay in the order book. Takers are those whose orders are matched to those in the order book. For LTC-BTC or any other transactions, the fee will also depend on your prior trading volume. The more you’ve traded, the lower the fee you’ll pay. Try CEX.IO to convert Litecoin to BTC easily and quickly. Deal with a reliable exchange that combines high industry standards with a reasonably priced service. OKX is a world-leading and trusted cryptocurrency and Bitcoin exchange.
As measured by market capitalization, Litecoin is the ninth largest cryptocurrency. However, as the cryptocurrency market has become more saturated with new offers in recent years, Litecoin’s popularity has declined. The worst day to change Bitcoin in Litecoin was the Sunday, 5 September 2021. EXMO is a reliable platform with a high level of funds and data security and record-breaking technical support that responds within 15 minutes 24/7. And customer care – as the most important value of the EXMO team. Users hold and own their private keys, and their wallet security remains anonymous. Atomic has no access to your wallet, neither do we monitor your operations. Once you click the Exchange icon, ChangeNOW manages all other activities. So far, there have been no complaints about the operations and security of the ChangeNow exchange. Atomic is in a long-term partnership with the exchange provider.

Change Bitcoin to Litecoin easily and securely with Freewallet

The blockchain was created by Charlie Lee, a software engineer who had worked at Google and crypto exchange Coinbase, and it was launched on the bitcointalk forum in October 2011. LTC is the native cryptocurrency of Litecoin, an open-source blockchain project whose code is copied from Bitcoin’s. Touted as the “silver to bitcoin’s gold,” Litecoin was developed to have much faster transaction speeds than Bitcoin, as well as to be more scalable. Proof of work describes the process that allows the bitcoin network to remain robust by making the process of mining, or recording transactions, difficult. Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.